Thursday, March 4, 2010

Online Summer Course

Register for Pacific Coast High School's online course for July/August.
  • Athletes: register for "Wrld Hist/Cult/Geog A" and "Wrld Hist/Cult/Geog B"
  • Non-athletes: register for "PE A"
Steps to register:
  • Go to
  • Click on "Enrollment" at the top
  • Click on "Click here" for July/August registration instructions
  • Click on "Anaheim School District"
  • Click on Complete "Contact and Course Form"
  • Fill out form. You need your parent's email address and you need one for yourself.
  • Click "Submit" button
  • Print out "Registration Forms" from here
If you cannot print out the registration forms at home, see me for help!
  • Completely fill out all 13 registration forms. Return them to Mrs. Neubert or Mrs. Bean ASAP!!

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