Tuesday, February 2, 2010

9th Grade Leadership Conference

Today our students participated in the AVID 9th Grade Leadership Conference at CSUF. All students who attended received a T-shirt (which can be seen in the pictures of the students on the tour) as a complementary gift.

The Keynote speakers were Brian McAllister and Ray Ricafort of Roadtrip Nation. Their main theme they shared with the students today is: "Define your own road in life." (More information on them can be found at roadtripnation.com).

Following the keynote, students were able to pick two different sessions to attend. Choices were: Financing Your Education; CSUF Panel of Students; Leadership-How Do You Measure Up?; Who I AM and Who I AM NOT; My Culture, History, and Community; Engineering Classroom Simulation; How Do I Understand Money? Students responded very positively to the breakout sessions.

After the sessions was a campus tour. Students were shown the different buildings (colleges), the library, the bookstore, and more. One interesting thing that the students were shown was the broken David statue, a copy of the famous statue by Michelangelo. Tradition is if someone rubs the right side of the statue's bottom, good luck comes to that person. Only one brave student tried this out!

Finally, students were given time to eat lunch. Many were excited to learn that places such as Carls Jr and Jamba Juice were on campus.

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