Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Update on Tutorials

The Tutorial process is improving with each period. Students are turning in their questions as they come into the room, and the AVID tutors grade the questions and form groups based on the subject of the questions. Once students get into their tutorial groups, they glue their questions into their spiral notebooks and begin working together.

Students who present their questions explain to their group what they do and do not understand about their questions. Their group then guides them to the answer without just telling them the answer.

At the conclusion of the tutorials, students write a reflection on the concepts they learned, how they learned it, who helped them, and how they can apply that knowledge into their other classes.

Here are some pictures of students working in groups from October 1-2, 2009:



Clubs Project

Students did an excellent job on their Clubs Project. All students presented the information they learned on their clubs. Commonly chosen clubs were: KEY Club, MEChA, HOSA, Interact, and International Club.

Here are some pictures of the students as they presented their projects.



Weeks of September 21 through October 9, 2009

Week of September 21 through 25:
Monday, 9-21:
Cornell notes were checked and students had a binder check. Homework: Cornell Notes, Tutorial Questions, Clubs Project (due 10-1/10-2), Register for PSAT.
Tuesday/Wednesday, 9-22/9-23:
Cornell notes were checked. Tutorials were held for half of the class, and the other part of class was A-G Bingo. Homework: Cornell Notes, Tutorial Questions, Clubs Project (due 10-1/10-2), Register for PSAT.
Thursday/Friday, 9-24/9-25:
Cornell notes were checked. Tutorials were held for half of the class, and the other part finished the A-G Bingo. Homework: Cornell Notes, Tutorial Questions, Clubs Project (due 10-1/10-2), Register for PSAT, and GRADE CHECK

Week of September 28 through October 2:
Monday, 9-28:
Cornell notes were checked. Binders were checked. Homework: Cornell Notes, Tutorial Questions, Clubs Project (due 10-1/10-2), Register for PSAT.
Tuesday/Wednesday, 9-29/9-30:
Cornell notes were checked. Tutorials were held for part of the class, and the other part started the Time Management notes. Homework: Cornell Notes, Tutorial Questions, Clubs Project (due 10-1/10-2), Register for PSAT, Time Log and Time Management Articles.
Thursday/Friday, 10-1/10-2:
Cornell notes were checked. Tutorials were held for part of the class, and students presented their Club Project the other part of class. Homework: Cornell Notes, Tutorial Questions, Register for PSAT, Time Log and Time Management Articles, GRADE CHECK

Week of October 5 to 9:
Monday, 10-5:
Non-student day
Tuesday/Wednesday, 10-6/10-7:
Cornell notes were checked. Tutorials were held for part of the class, and students began working on their Time Management Posters for the other part of class. Collected: Grade Check and Time Log. Homework: Cornell Notes, Tutorial Questions, Register for PSAT.
Thursday/Friday, 10-8/10-9:
Cornell notes will be checked. Tutorials will be held for part of the class, and the Time Management Posters will be completed for the other part of class. Homework: Cornell Notes, Tutorial Questions, Register for PSAT, and GRADE CHECKS.