Week of September 21 through 25:Monday, 9-21:
Cornell notes were checked and students had a binder check. Homework: Cornell Notes, Tutorial Questions, Clubs Project (due 10-1/10-2), Register for PSAT.
Tuesday/Wednesday, 9-22/9-23:
Cornell notes were checked. Tutorials were held for half of the class, and the other part of class was A-G Bingo. Homework: Cornell Notes, Tutorial Questions, Clubs Project (due 10-1/10-2), Register for PSAT.
Thursday/Friday, 9-24/9-25:
Cornell notes were checked. Tutorials were held for half of the class, and the other part finished the A-G Bingo. Homework: Cornell Notes, Tutorial Questions, Clubs Project (due 10-1/10-2), Register for PSAT, and GRADE CHECK
Week of September 28 through October 2:
Monday, 9-28:
Cornell notes were checked. Binders were checked. Homework: Cornell Notes, Tutorial Questions, Clubs Project (due 10-1/10-2), Register for PSAT.
Tuesday/Wednesday, 9-29/9-30:
Cornell notes were checked. Tutorials were held for part of the class, and the other part started the Time Management notes. Homework: Cornell Notes, Tutorial Questions, Clubs Project (due 10-1/10-2), Register for PSAT, Time Log and Time Management Articles.
Thursday/Friday, 10-1/10-2:
Cornell notes were checked. Tutorials were held for part of the class, and students presented their Club Project the other part of class. Homework: Cornell Notes, Tutorial Questions, Register for PSAT, Time Log and Time Management Articles, GRADE CHECK
Week of October 5 to 9:
Monday, 10-5:
Non-student day
Tuesday/Wednesday, 10-6/10-7:
Cornell notes were checked. Tutorials were held for part of the class, and students began working on their Time Management Posters for the other part of class. Collected: Grade Check and Time Log. Homework: Cornell Notes, Tutorial Questions, Register for PSAT.
Thursday/Friday, 10-8/10-9:
Cornell notes will be checked. Tutorials will be held for part of the class, and the Time Management Posters will be completed for the other part of class. Homework: Cornell Notes, Tutorial Questions, Register for PSAT, and GRADE CHECKS.