Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Gingerbread Houses: A Little Late

Because of time, the first period class was unable to make Gingerbread Houses before winter break. So, they did so after break....just a little late. Here are the houses that the groups of students made:

Socratic Seminar: Community Service

On March 23rd and 24th, both classes held their first Socratic Seminar on community service. Ten students volunteered to be in the seminar, and the rest of the class observed while taking notes. Many good points were brought up in both classes, and students were mature in the comments and opinions shared.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Team Building: License Plate Fun

For Motivational Monday on March 15th, students were asked to get into groups of 3-4 people and decode what some license plates meant.

Here are some of the examples license plates they had to decipher:
B9S2US = be nice to us
LVNGLYF = loving life
GDAM8 = good day, mate

Monday, March 15, 2010

College Research Project

The next project that the students have been assigned is the college research project. For this project, students chose a college, individually or with a partner. Each student is to write an essay about the college, create a power point presentation, and present the college to the class.

Here are the important due dates with this assignment:
  • Introduction due 4-1-10 or 4-2-10
  • Essay due 4-15-10 or 4-16-10
  • Power Point due 4-15-10 or 4-16-10
  • Presentation date varies, chosen by each student

Students should remember that they each need to write their own essay, even if they are researching the college with a partner.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Online Summer Course

Register for Pacific Coast High School's online course for July/August.
  • Athletes: register for "Wrld Hist/Cult/Geog A" and "Wrld Hist/Cult/Geog B"
  • Non-athletes: register for "PE A"
Steps to register:
  • Go to pchs.k12.ca.us
  • Click on "Enrollment" at the top
  • Click on "Click here" for July/August registration instructions
  • Click on "Anaheim School District"
  • Click on Complete "Contact and Course Form"
  • Fill out form. You need your parent's email address and you need one for yourself.
  • Click "Submit" button
  • Print out "Registration Forms" from here
If you cannot print out the registration forms at home, see me for help!
  • Completely fill out all 13 registration forms. Return them to Mrs. Neubert or Mrs. Bean ASAP!!