A practice binder check took place. Students checked each other's binders, and items that were missing were written down. Students reflected on what needed to be in a binder. A reminder about the AVID t-shirt was given. $15 in cash or check made out to Savanna High School need to be turned in this week!
The tutorial process was discussed in class. Handouts were given to students to help in the process, specifically writing the questions. Students got into groups these days to practice what the process would be like in my class. Students practiced asking questions to each other, not just giving answers to the questions. Students were asked to bring a spiral notebook for the next class when we would officially start tutorials.
Tutorials started today! Students turned in questions at the door, and any student not prepared was not allowed into the class until questions were written. We practiced in our groups, and students were reminded to help each other out by not just answering the question, but by asking more questions to encourage thinking. Spiral notebooks for tutorials were left in the class.